Isabelle Gautier


« I wish you to have endless dreams and the furious desire to realize some of them »
« Je vous souhaite des rêves à n’en plus finir et l’envie furieuse d’en réaliser quelques uns »
Jacques Brel – Famous Belgian singer and songwriter

Bonjour !

My name is Isabelle Gautier and I come from Brittany.

I’m a serial lover of crêpes and kouign-amann (delicious pastry from there). I have 14 years of teaching experience including 8 years in Asia. It was a wonderful experience living in Singapore. I learned so much about the Asian culture and traditions especially thanks to my young students. I really think that teachers and students learn from each other.

A good sense of humor is also important for me and helps to create a positive learning environment and energy in the classroom. I am really looking forward to teaching at SISD. Their vision of Education is very dynamic and positive. It brings out the best in every student through a caring and safe environment.

Outside of teaching, I am passionate about travelling and planes. I even took flying lessons. I also love to see my friends and spend quality times with them.