IB Assessment

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A variety of assessment techniques are used by the IB to award an IB grade. These techniques vary from subject to subject.

  • Internal Assessments

    In some subjects a proportion of the final marks is based on assessment by the subject teacher. In all cases the teacher's assessment is moderated by IB examiners who may require the school to submit samples of students' assessed.

    This applies to course work in Languages, Individuals and Societies, Sciences, Mathematics, Arts and to TOK essays. Internally assessed work usually counts for about 20% of the final grade in a subject.

  • Oral Examinations ‐ in Languages.

    These are conducted by the subject teacher and recorded before being submitted to the IB examiners for moderation.

  • Written Examinations - in all subjects except Visual Arts and Film.

    These may include multiple choice tests, short answer questions, data and document based questions and essays. The examination scripts are marked by external examiners appointed by the IBO. The marking standards of these examiners are moderated by the Chief Examiner for the subject.

  • Theory of Knowledge

    In Grade 12, students are given a choice of six essay titles (prescribed by the IBO). They choose one to respond to. In addition, they must prepare a TOK exhibition. All Theory of Knowledge essays are marked and moderated by examiners appointed by the IBO.

  • Extended Essay

    Depending on the topics chosen, each student is assigned a mentor / teacher who supervises the student through the research All Extended Essays are marked and moderated by examiners appointed by the IBO.

  • Creativity Action Service Activities

    Students complete self‐evaluations of their activities and then activity supervisors also write a brief evaluation. These are then discussed with the CAS Coordinator. Samples of CAS folders are sent to the examiner for evaluation. If the school judges that a student has not satisfied the CAS requirement it will inform the This is likely to lead to the failure of the Diploma.

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