

Pastoral Care in Early Years

Prek - kg 2

Pastoral care in Early Years at SISD is interwoven with teaching and learning and all other elements of school life. Students need to feel safe and secure in their environment before learning can take place so building positive relationships between students and teachers is an absolute priority. As IB Learners, the learning profile helps students understand how to become a whole rounded learner.

Each week there is an allocated pastoral care lesson which focuses on skills such as self-management, motivation, getting on and falling out, listening and empathy. There are multiple of opportunities for peer-led learning sharing their learning and building new relationships within the school. Students are encouraged to take responsibility for their learning and to inquire together to ensure that they reach a deeper and more meaningful understanding of the complex issues involved in developing social, emotional intelligence and in regulating their behaviour.

Our Pastoral team ensure that students are well cared for, listened to and have access to staff who can support them during their time at SISD

Pastoral Care in Primary

GRADE 1 - 5

Well-being in Primary focuses on our students having a voice and creating positive change. As global citizens, our IB Learners are recognized for their wide range of talents and strengths and encouraged to build their social sphere across the community by taking action.

Our Opportunity Hour and ASA programme ensures all students have opportunities to enrich their academic progress as well as take part in a range of well-being initiatives. Well-being officers are appointed in every grade and emotional health is tracked through Pulse, our digital check-in system.

Students in Primary support the culture of well-being across the school.

Our Pastoral team ensure that students are well cared for, listened to and have access to staff who can support them during their time at SISD.


Pastoral Care in Secondary

GRADE 6 - 12

The holistic wellbeing of our Secondary students is a priority at SISD, as they increase their independence and navigate the journey of choices and decisions that will shape their future aspirations.  Our team of academic, pastoral, wellbeing and medical professionals work together to provide a balanced curriculum that allows students to develop friendships, life-skills and resilience. The transparent expectations and positive routines allow our students a sense of safety and certainty. Students have extensive leadership and ASA opportunities to explore their passions and develop a sense of achievement and purpose. Systematic student voice opportunities ensure our students feel heard and can be part of change in their school.

Every grade has a Grade Co-ordinator, responsible for overseeing the pastoral and academic development of the student cohort in that grade, and ensure that parental communication and feedback is always forthcoming.

Our embedded transition program ensures students feel fully supported as they transition through the phases at SISD, and we have dedicated transition members of staff who provide the support, advice and information to both students and parents during the transition. 

The SISD community embraces the school values and work together (parents, student, and teachers) to create experiences, including an extensive range of after-school activities, international trips, Beyond Borders and Boundaries week, and vibrant community events, such as UAE National Day and our SISD Winter Market, to ensure our students have a balanced and very enjoyable curriculum, with opportunities to develop soft skills.

Our Geneva, Lugano, Bern and Zurich houses promote our Swiss identity and creates a sense of belonging and community.

The school delivers learning opportunities through a wider school network, with guest speakers from international institutions and industry, that focuses on wellbeing, sustainability, and innovation. Students have extensive leadership opportunities through our student council to explore their passions and develop a sense of achievement and purpose.

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