Creative and Performing Arts is a fundamental part of the curriculum at SISD.
Creative and Performing Arts is a fundamental part of the curriculum at SISD. Our Art, Music, Dance and Drama options support the school’s core values including inclusivity and diversity and provides an exceptional opportunity to broaden experience and support social, moral and cultural learning.
Creative Arts lessons are delivered from the very beginning of our children’s school experience. Within Early Years, children are immersed in art, music and drama activities in a child-initiated way. Across Primary, our students are provided with opportunities to experience a variety of media and techniques and are educated upon individual performers, musicians and artists from around the world, both past and present. For our older Primary students, the Creative Arts curriculum aims to equip children with the knowledge and skills to make informed choices, think critically of their own work and performances and that of others, and to work with increased independence.
At SISD, the Arts are taught by specialist art, music, dance and drama teachers who deliver high quality lessons to enhance the requirements of the IB Programme whilst also offering additional after-school activities to enhance the students’ involvement and opportunities.
Our SISD Super Singers and annual musical and theatre productions are features of the school which all the community are very proud of!
We also have dedicated art rooms, music suites, music practice rooms, drama rehearsal rooms, dance studios and a 450 seat auditorium.
L'art est absolument une passion ici à SISD! Vous pouvez le voir dans les couloirs, dans les salles de classe et lors des expositions annuelles - wow, le talent est exceptionnel!