Robert McCarthy

Inclusion Teacher

“Education is the most powerful weapon we can use to change the world and create a brighter future for generations to come “

Having spent over 6 years in the education field, I am absolutely thrilled to join the team at SISD! I completed my undergraduate studies at University College Cork, Ireland, earning a B.A in Economics and Geography. Continuing my academic journey, I pursued a Masters in Education at Hibernia College in Dublin, Ireland, where I proudly obtained my Qualified Teaching Status (QTS). As an educator, I have developed a passion for inclusion. I firmly believe in creating an environment where every student feels valued, respected, and included. I strive to celebrate diversity, adapt teaching strategies, and foster a sense of belonging, ensuring that no one is left behind on their educational journey. 

During my spare time, I enjoy engaging in activities that keep me active and entertained. Football, running, cycling, hitting the gym, and wake surfing are my go-to ways to stay fit and healthy. I also love getting lost in a good book, and “Manifest” by Roxie Nafousi happens to be my favourite.