The Benefits of Play Based Learning 

In a world that often emphasises formal education and structured lessons, the concept of play-based learning is gaining momentum. It’s a method that encourages children to learn through play, exploration, and imagination. The benefits of a play-based learning environment are multifaceted, with profound implications for a child’s cognitive, social, and emotional development. At SISD we […]

Dubai 30×30 Fitness Challenge: Wellness at SISD

At Swiss International Scientific School Dubai (SISD), we continually strive to provide our students with an education that emphasizes not only academic excellence but also the importance of physical health and overall well-being. In line with our commitment to nurturing the development of well-rounded individuals, we are excited to delve into the Dubai 30×30 Fitness […]

World Mental Health Day 10th October

In a world that never seems to stop, where we’re constantly juggling responsibilities, expectations, and the whirlwind of daily life, it’s crucial to take a moment to pause, reflect, and prioritise our mental health. World Mental Health Day, observed on the 10th of October this year, serves as a global reminder that mental well-being is […]

How to support your child moving to boarding school

Sending your child to a boarding school is a significant milestone in both their life journey and your own as a parent. It marks the beginning of a unique educational experience that fosters your child’s independence. At Swiss International School, we recognise the importance of a seamless transition into the world of boarding school.   Understanding […]

Everything You Need to Know About Visiting SISD 

When it comes to choosing the right school for your child, a visit to the campus can provide valuable insights. Here at SISD, we are committed to providing academic excellence through our classes in a truly unique experience.   The Welcome  Your journey will begin with a warm welcome at the school’s entrance. Our friendly staff […]

How To Keep Your Children Motivated At The Start Of Term

The start of term is an exciting time for students at schools, particularly at international schools in Dubai. It’s a fresh beginning, a chance to make new friends, and an opportunity to learn and grow. However, as parents, you may have noticed that maintaining your child’s motivation throughout the term can sometimes be a challenge, […]

International Literacy Day On The 8th Of September

International Literacy Day 2023 is being held on the 8th of September. A highly celebrated day that has taken place annually since 1967. Each year there is a different theme, with this year covering the topic of “Promoting literacy for a world in transition: Building the foundation for sustainable and peaceful societies”. Whether you are […]

Why Choosing the best secondary school for your child is important

As a parent, one of the most critical decisions you’ll make is selecting the best secondary school for your child’s education. This decision sets the foundation for their future and shapes their academic and personal development. In the bustling city of Dubai, where educational options vary, finding the ideal secondary school can be daunting. Among […]

What Languages Do We Teach At SISD, As A Bilingual School?

Welcome to Swiss International Scientific School Dubai (SISD), a bilingual school promoting cultural diversity and academic excellence! At SISD, we recognize the invaluable impact of bilingualism on students’ intellectual growth and global understanding. As a leading bilingual school, now a part of the Nord Anglia Education Group, we offer a rich language program that equips […]

What is the best way to choose a school in Dubai?

Dubai is a magnificent city for education, with an array of international schools that cater to the needs of a diverse, multicultural, and multilingual community. When it comes to education, Dubai schools vary in their offerings, and not all of them may align with you or your child’s unique requirements. Additionally, if you have specific […]